mTurk is similar to Vindale's services in ways and significantly different in others. You will have to do a bit of research (just a bit,) to fully understand what's going on when you sign up and get into things, but it's a pretty easy transition from newb to pro. There will be page upon page upon page of 'Turks' or jobs you can accept. If you cannot accept one, it will explain why you don't qualify. The downside here is the pay - we're talking $0.01 - $0.10 per task. But if you look closely, you can find a sweet spot. Again, this isn't to pay the bills, just make you a little scratch on the side. My favorite turks are these data entry jobs where you just scroll down the page and enter a 4-6 character alpha-numeric value (something like h5r8s6,) or state that it is not legible. I can plow through one of these in under a minute and the good ones pack a $0.07 a pop. I't not much, but with some math, it can pile up to a couple dollars an hour. I run these while I 'watch' my episodes of whatever's on that night.
GREAT ACTIVE HIT - 02/20/2016 - 10:18pm - 800+ HITs left still - $0.55 each, no limit, QUICK EASY HITS
And alas - a good thing ends. Hope some of you managed to snag some HITS on this one.
The image above is from my personal account. This was in under three hours while watching some Netflix with the family. Mouseover a series of thumbnails, click the ones out of focus (if any), then click next. Now click one or more that you feel are the best focus/lighting/etc. - can click all if there are none that stand apart. Click next. Repeat this 5-6 times, make $0.55 - I was averaging around 00:04:00-00:04:30 per HIT.
As I find more great hits, I will update this page and post to Twitter, Google+, and Tumblr for those of you following along.
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